This week I'm linking up with Lisa-Jo at The Gypsy Mama for her 5 Minute Friday. The writing prompt is "a few of my favorite things..." Here are the rules...don't worry, they're pretty easy.
1. Write for only five minutes. Don’t edit. Don’t over think. Don’t stifle your creativity.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. Go leave some comment love for the five minuter
who linked up before you.
#1 the sound of rain on the roof
#2 my family
#3 my kitty, Ella
#4 wind blowing through the trees
#5 brainstorming with my mom
#6 photographing nature
#7 reading books that make me feel as if I were there in the story
#8 going to Disney
#9 crosstitching
#10 learning new Spanish words from Rosetta Stone
Reading books where I am in the story -- yes that is definitely a favorite thing!